May 31, 2006

4 years of college !!! has come and gone....

Most people say that the college life was their best. It is a period that is supposed to be extremely fun-filled and you end up getting a set of friends that stick for the entirety of life. Somehow or the other, life in college for me was a total contrast to what many think. I had my moments of happiness and moments of dullness; but not to the extent which makes me miss my college and the fellow people whom I studied with.

It all started almost 4 years ago when I was eagerly waiting for my interview letter from SSN college of engineering although I had secured admission in KCG Tech. Every friend of mine entered into the IIT's or BITS or a college of their choice, most of them joining SSN. My anxiety was turning into a desperation. I wanted to get into SSN. How could I study at a place where every person was a complete stranger to me. I still remember the day when visited some of the Engineering colleges on the IT highway and came back home to find the interview letter at the doorstep. It was a mixed emotion; one that showed how happy I was and another that brought in a great sense of relief. The very evening India posted a majestic victory over England - wondering which match I am referring to ??? Its none other than finals of the Natwest Trophy.

Although I was a month late joining the college, I felt a sense of belonging to this place. With so many familiar faces around (we were 16 people from the same school that joined SSN) I was almost at ease right from the very moment I stepped into my allotted bus : Route No. 22. My first day took an unexpected turn when at the lunch interval I was asked by a couple of guys to join the cricket team comprising of freshers that was to compete against the seniors. Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine this was in-store at the very first day and I gleefully accepted their invitation and played a nice little knock. I reached home at 9 pm. Who has had a beginning like this !!!

to be continued......