August 17, 2007

Another day at the office...the last!

It is not exactly what the managers look for - their employees writing blogs at workplace. But I dont think mine would mind; this is my last day at Dell as a summer intern, and frankly I have remained jobless these last few days.
Its the end of a 11-week internship program, one which was highly beneficial, monetarily and workwise, getting to work on tools and equipments worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Dell is a pretty good company to work for (it pays really well!), although I did not in my wildest dreams think about working here. A EE hardware engineer would be more inclined to join companies like Intel or AMD, and it was no different for me. But I have no regrets, at the end of 11 weeks, when I leave the company proud and satisfied with my work...
It was surprise interview call from Dell, and I had a week to prepare for the interview. I borrowed some books from the library and worked really hard. There was disappointment at not being able to make to my favorite companies, but at least I had something to feel happy about. I was not nervous before the interview; was I feeling confident subconsciously or whether I didnt care about it, I dont really know. It was one of the best interviews I had, answering questions promptly and knew I had cracked it. The same night I got a call from the HR...
This was the second most happiest day of my life (the Purdue admit still beats 'em all)! After weeks of pondering over my life, what to do with it, suddenly the gates opened - there was a direction and I grabbed the chance with both hands. I thanked god and was happy with it.
The Indian contingent in Dell is not like Intel; having said that my team has 7 Indians and a Pakistani...what else can you ask for? And the fun started! The initial days I just spent time with the others understanding what they are working on, pretty much jobless, and then my manager (one of the best people I have met) gave me a good project. I have never worked with deadlines and weekly reports, so this was a nice challenge. Making some rapid strides in my work, my manager lavished praises - first time there was a genuine appreciation for my academic related work and it felt really good. Got done with the project, gave a presentation, got good feedback and have achieved what I set out to do.
Its a nice feeling when you earn good money in a big city, live in a comfortable apartment with cozy furnitures, eat out everyday, buying drinks in your tab, so on...And from tomorrow its back to being student again, living in a small bedroom and possibly sharing it with another person, getting miserly, eating out sparingly, thinking about ever penny you spend, searching for birthday treats, taking the greyhound (US interstate bus service) et cetera.

That's life aint it !

August 11, 2007

'Eye' am Brown ..and you are???

The summer interns at Dell, me being one of them, gathered around for lunch as usual in the cafeteria, eating, discussing about cars, trips, car rentals...One thing led to another and we ended up talking about how we fared when we were getting our driving licenses. License test in US requires preparation, and sometimes like in m case requires a revision of sorts on the day of your test.
I was pretty damn sure I gave my eye color as black while filling out the forms, that also needed you to mention your height and hair color. I was fairly certain that my license card had it all just the way I specified it: Eye color: BL, Hair color: BL, Height: 5 ft 7" ...My friend said his eye color was Brown. We definitely knew it wasn't. Its a desire for many to have non-black eyes, girls find guys with brown eyes charming, and I imagined this to be just another case! I was getting a strange feeling that all of us were going to be wrong...
And yes, we were indeed wrong!

I checked my license to see what was in there. It said 'Eye color - BR'. Yay...I have brown eyes. Nothing to feel ecstatic about it though, as they still look black, but yes technically my eyes are brown :) ..It was a big 'eye' opener (pardon the pun)! So whats your eye color?


August 4, 2007

MIAMI and Daytona Beach - Spring 2007

Monsoon kills thousands..again !!!

I am writing this blog after being terribly disturbed and mentally shaken reading about the deaths of thousands of Indians and Bangladeshis this monsoon season! The season is far from over and the situation is getting worse year by year. If you read about people losing their children, their cattle, their house, their every minuscule belonging and are worried and depressed because of this, please join me in addressing this issue, as the time has come to put an end to the misery of our dear fellow citizens who are victimized every year by the fury of the South-west monsoon.
The general weather pattern throughout the world this year has been rather unrelenting. The winters have been intense, especially in parts of US and Europe which have seen rather unprecedented snowfall, and the monsoons have brought about rains that lashed several parts of the world, India in particular. What do we attribute this to? Is it 'Global warming' that is causing this? Or is it some sort of a peculiar arrangement of solar bodies? I am not much of an astrophysicist, but I would be interested in listening to the views of some of them. That apart, it is now a question of how to solve this problem. It can no longer be termed as a harsh reality that we have to live with; it is now time to start interlinking rivers, and if there are still some good men left in Indian politics, this should happen fast! I mean real fast...
The concept of River interlinking has been around for quite a while. However, as it always happens, our egotistical politicians always make it a point to not continue any good work that the earlier government had started. People address the river-interlinking concept after a disaster like this, but immediately forget once things get back to normal. Even the news channels forget to focus on this issue, and it becomes a forgotten topic. Had the Brahmaputra been linked to the rivers in the rain-deprived Rajasthan or the five rivers in Punjab, a lot of fatalities could have been avoided. Krishna river water is diverted to Tamil Nadu, which caters to the needs of the Chennai metropolitan area, is just an example how states can get mutually benefited. We dont need proof for the concept to work, it will just work fine! The media should be more relentless (like the monsoon) and not let the politicians off the hook...