August 11, 2007

'Eye' am Brown ..and you are???

The summer interns at Dell, me being one of them, gathered around for lunch as usual in the cafeteria, eating, discussing about cars, trips, car rentals...One thing led to another and we ended up talking about how we fared when we were getting our driving licenses. License test in US requires preparation, and sometimes like in m case requires a revision of sorts on the day of your test.
I was pretty damn sure I gave my eye color as black while filling out the forms, that also needed you to mention your height and hair color. I was fairly certain that my license card had it all just the way I specified it: Eye color: BL, Hair color: BL, Height: 5 ft 7" ...My friend said his eye color was Brown. We definitely knew it wasn't. Its a desire for many to have non-black eyes, girls find guys with brown eyes charming, and I imagined this to be just another case! I was getting a strange feeling that all of us were going to be wrong...
And yes, we were indeed wrong!

I checked my license to see what was in there. It said 'Eye color - BR'. Yay...I have brown eyes. Nothing to feel ecstatic about it though, as they still look black, but yes technically my eyes are brown :) ..It was a big 'eye' opener (pardon the pun)! So whats your eye color?


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