January 6, 2008

India's "destiny" at Sydney

At last! The words did come out: "May be India was destined to lose in Sydney" ! I tried my level best to curtail those exact same words for the past 4 days; but I couldn't anymore. I switched off cricinfo and am keeping myself at a distance from the depressing couple of hours that is to follow.
Over the past few years I have tended to believe that there exists no destiny. And after recently reading an article on Chaos theory, I felt even more confident that it is we who shape our destiny, and life never follows a fixed course. A minuscule event in our life can bring about changes, that sometimes becomes extremely hard to comprehend, as is beautifully narrated in the movie The Butterfly Effect.
Karma, the actions and the effects of those actions, is synonymous to the famous adage: What you sow is what you reap! The concept of Karma that is the very foundation of Hinduism and its principles, is contradictory to the concept of destiny. May be the word 'destiny' is being used too frequently for my liking. May be people have come to use it as an escape mechanism when things dont shape up as they intended them to be.
But if you were to believe in Karma, then today would have been a historic day in Indian cricket, that would have made 32 billion teeth smile; but as it stands it leaves 2 billion eyes in tears...


Bala said...

There is one saying that 'one will get what he deserves'. But that has gone with the wind here.

There is no match fixed like this ever before.

Rahul Raghavan said...

thalaivare... looks like u were deeply moved by the sydney test! btw karma may not necessarily hold relevance in today's cricket... coz..if u were 2 consider teams like the WI.. they have been thro the vagaries in a span of 20 years.. so is it differential karma? :) its more of 'karumam' in sydney's case the unsporting aussies!